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Thursday, 8 December 2011

The snospis house

Naturally, to continue the theme of Snospis eht being a inconsequential mismatch of frankenstein parts hap hazzardly stiched together in dim light to the faint sounds of moths chriping outside (Im pretty sure that moths chirp).
It is to follow this prerequisite that the snospis house should follow suit, I have taken previously moddled rooms and stiched them together to create a seamless interior.
one thing to note about the intirior of the house is that it, in no way corresponds the the outside of the house, in size or layout (partly taking inspirtation from spongebobs pineapple house...thing, and partly me being a lazy fuck).
Another thing to note is that they have a lavishyly decorated dining suite, complete with a fireplace and comfy chairs.
But as per my vision of the future of mankind, they ignore these luxioures and spend most of their time chilling in the dark drippy basement.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

New homer is rigged and on the way to great glory

The new homer model "Gay Homer" Has been completed and rigged and as I did with the Marge Model, here in the pictures is New Homer symbolically stand over old homer.
Chistmas Is all about the death of the old and the slow but symbolically poignont decay of the young, as we all descend into the realms of hell, let us remind ourselves of the world outside.

Tonight I start work on the new Bart Model. Tommorow I rig.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

The new homer model

The next stage I have undertaken unto the revamping of the snospis eht experience is to re-design the homer model. as you can tell the head resembles a pumpkin which is exactly what I was going for was not by any extent of the imagination and accident.
like the new marge model The new homer will be fully animatatable with a moving mouth and eyes.
This is the direction snospis will take to lead it unto a bright new future.
tommorow I shall rig homer and start remodelling bart.
as of present the only character who is not going to be remodelled completely is lisa.
however she now has hands and feet giving her the strength the grab and kick the enemies of the snospis household.

I have decided to dub this homer either "gay homer" or "pumpkin homer".
More to come tommorow.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Sexy Marge Beats Old marge

Just finished rigging the new Marge model (who I have dubbed sexy marge).
Sexy Marge is fully deformable, unlike the old marge which was basically a statue.
she can also move her mouth and eyes freely.

The embedded picture is somewhat symbolic, it shows the transition from old marge to new marge. but also shows her long sexy feminine legs im going to stop typing now.
the new marge is not sexy, she looks like ET brb killing myself.

Gonna re-do the homer model tonight, gonna make a sexy homer.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

A short announcement about the upcoming future.

I have neglected this blog to an extent, ever since posting the link to it on my youtube channel I have done everything but post about the channel.
from now on however Im going to do daily posts about what's going on in the world of my f*cked up cartoons.

Secondly I'd like to say a few things about my more recent videos.
The "Wallace and Gromit" thing was a sort of rigging/Music test for my videos. I was also sick to tears of snospis eht, and wanted to animate something new. The 2 recent more videos I released featuring the clown...thing. were just me being lazy "forward slash" dicking around.

People seem to like my work whatever it is. which is good, however I always want to improve myself, and see all my previous work as complete crap (which it is).
Its an inferiority complex I have.

Anyway onto what ive been working on.

The pictures are of marge simpson. But not the marge simpson from my previous videos.
This marge has been rebuilt from the ground up. She's been given a sort of ET/Eraserhead baby type of makeover which I think will vastly improve my future endevours. Today I model. tommorow I rig. Then I work on rebuilding Homer...

the new marge will feature first in the Snospis Eht Christmas special, coming on december 17th, which im hoping to make the longest and most action packed snospis yet (not counting the epic adventure).
