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Thursday, 1 December 2011

A short announcement about the upcoming future.

I have neglected this blog to an extent, ever since posting the link to it on my youtube channel I have done everything but post about the channel.
from now on however Im going to do daily posts about what's going on in the world of my f*cked up cartoons.

Secondly I'd like to say a few things about my more recent videos.
The "Wallace and Gromit" thing was a sort of rigging/Music test for my videos. I was also sick to tears of snospis eht, and wanted to animate something new. The 2 recent more videos I released featuring the clown...thing. were just me being lazy "forward slash" dicking around.

People seem to like my work whatever it is. which is good, however I always want to improve myself, and see all my previous work as complete crap (which it is).
Its an inferiority complex I have.

Anyway onto what ive been working on.

The pictures are of marge simpson. But not the marge simpson from my previous videos.
This marge has been rebuilt from the ground up. She's been given a sort of ET/Eraserhead baby type of makeover which I think will vastly improve my future endevours. Today I model. tommorow I rig. Then I work on rebuilding Homer...

the new marge will feature first in the Snospis Eht Christmas special, coming on december 17th, which im hoping to make the longest and most action packed snospis yet (not counting the epic adventure).


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