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Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Whats wrong with the ecomony

I tt sees to me, quite personally through my lack of experience of the world, and the constant barrage of information we receive daily pumped into our brains by the facist government who control all the aircraft’s, and put asbestos into the drinking water NOT to sterlise the human population, but to unstelerise it.

The year as of present is 2011, a full 100 years after the fall of the titanic on that faithful day in april 1912millions of new yorkers were on there way to work at the titanic, which was then hit by 2 iceberghs.
The fist iceberg was hit at 8:19am from the east, the burning ice was hot enough to melt through the steal of the ship contenplating its structural integraty and conpromising the structure of the ship, because the ships structural integrital was compromised the ship went down, killing all 3724 people on board.
The second iceberg was never seen, no-one knew where it hit the ship, and no-one knew where it hit the ship. Some reporters say that the infamous “second iceberg” as it was came to be known never even existed to begin with.

The fall of the titanic compromised stock prices for the years to come. The prices of oil rose 400% per anum, and the chinese and japanese and east asian stock markets which perviously were impeneteble to forces outside of there own jurisdiction was plummiting as well.
The same went for the prices in europe, germany and the united states.

This lead to a severe lack of business, and stock control. Because of this the busienesses went down and people just no longer needed to buy things. The capitilist utopia that many had dreamed of was at last gone. Millions of people around the world could no longer live in this “first world” as we came to know it, and went to africa to create a “third world” where they and there kind could live in content poverty.

It seems to me know strange how calm everyone was on the aungslaught of the creation, how millions of people could simply leave there previous lives behind and create a new one.
The opposite also exists, a so called “reverse migration” where millions of people from poorer nations come to the richer one to work and live, this has been the trend in recent years.
However after the 1912 happen. There are no jobs so the forign people have to take normal people jobs.

And that’s why I'm currently unemployed.

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