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Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Why the human population is at an all time high and in great deppresion, and what we can do to stop it.

However this inconcluvise report on the state of the worlds money exchange has not been the most it can be when compared to the other various methods of the economy.
For example the recent ressesion has been compared to the crash of 1933 where all the worlds money suddenly became worthless as asanine as this might sound, money is the true value of capitalism and not the evil of it therefore when the the money becomes worthless the true state of the economy starts to show its true colours.

This brings me onto my second point. All the worlds businesses are currently in decline yet $10 trillions USD are being spent every day on asanine reconstruction innitiatives throughout the worlds nation countries.

My third point is much less pointghent yet just as importantly asanine.
Lets go back to the year 2011, dosent seem that long ago does it, the date as I am writing this is 01/11/2011 and there are currently 7 billion people in the world.
I personally blame the lack of asbesthos in the water for this.
Asbesthos is a naturally occuring substance in the water which for years has kept the rate of infertility in humans higher, human beings have still found a way to reproduce succsessfully, of course, but until recently we have only been having 1-3 on average.
This is because in the “first world” where humanity developed the majority of writing systems and microchips. Asbetheos has been unnaturally high in the waters and streams.
It is in africa, burma, the middle earth and the south africa as well as madagasger and burma where the absteheros levels have been low. Asbethros is humanitys best friend, andd would greatly support the africa if ineterduced.

Think about that before protesting the worlds wealthy and making an arse of yourself calling yourself the “99%” and masterbating publicily before the uber rich dildofarming statesmen who own you serfs.

And that is the reason why I am currently unemployed.


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