Naturally, to continue the theme of Snospis eht being a inconsequential mismatch of frankenstein parts hap hazzardly stiched together in dim light to the faint sounds of moths chriping outside (Im pretty sure that moths chirp).
It is to follow this prerequisite that the snospis house should follow suit, I have taken previously moddled rooms and stiched them together to create a seamless interior.
one thing to note about the intirior of the house is that it, in no way corresponds the the outside of the house, in size or layout (partly taking inspirtation from spongebobs pineapple house...thing, and partly me being a lazy fuck).
Another thing to note is that they have a lavishyly decorated dining suite, complete with a fireplace and comfy chairs.
But as per my vision of the future of mankind, they ignore these luxioures and spend most of their time chilling in the dark drippy basement.
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Thursday, 8 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
New homer is rigged and on the way to great glory
The new homer model "Gay Homer" Has been completed and rigged and as I did with the Marge Model, here in the pictures is New Homer symbolically stand over old homer.
Chistmas Is all about the death of the old and the slow but symbolically poignont decay of the young, as we all descend into the realms of hell, let us remind ourselves of the world outside.
Tonight I start work on the new Bart Model. Tommorow I rig.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
The new homer model
The next stage I have undertaken unto the revamping of the snospis eht experience is to re-design the homer model. as you can tell the head resembles a pumpkin which is exactly what I was going for was not by any extent of the imagination and accident.
like the new marge model The new homer will be fully animatatable with a moving mouth and eyes.
This is the direction snospis will take to lead it unto a bright new future.
tommorow I shall rig homer and start remodelling bart.
as of present the only character who is not going to be remodelled completely is lisa.
however she now has hands and feet giving her the strength the grab and kick the enemies of the snospis household.
I have decided to dub this homer either "gay homer" or "pumpkin homer".
More to come tommorow.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Sexy Marge Beats Old marge
Just finished rigging the new Marge model (who I have dubbed sexy marge).
Sexy Marge is fully deformable, unlike the old marge which was basically a statue.
she can also move her mouth and eyes freely.
The embedded picture is somewhat symbolic, it shows the transition from old marge to new marge. but also shows her long sexy feminine legs im going to stop typing now.
the new marge is not sexy, she looks like ET brb killing myself.
Gonna re-do the homer model tonight, gonna make a sexy homer.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
A short announcement about the upcoming future.
I have neglected this blog to an extent, ever since posting the link to it on my youtube channel I have done everything but post about the channel.
from now on however Im going to do daily posts about what's going on in the world of my f*cked up cartoons.
Secondly I'd like to say a few things about my more recent videos.
The "Wallace and Gromit" thing was a sort of rigging/Music test for my videos. I was also sick to tears of snospis eht, and wanted to animate something new. The 2 recent more videos I released featuring the clown...thing. were just me being lazy "forward slash" dicking around.
People seem to like my work whatever it is. which is good, however I always want to improve myself, and see all my previous work as complete crap (which it is).
Its an inferiority complex I have.
Anyway onto what ive been working on.
The pictures are of marge simpson. But not the marge simpson from my previous videos.
This marge has been rebuilt from the ground up. She's been given a sort of ET/Eraserhead baby type of makeover which I think will vastly improve my future endevours. Today I model. tommorow I rig. Then I work on rebuilding Homer...
the new marge will feature first in the Snospis Eht Christmas special, coming on december 17th, which im hoping to make the longest and most action packed snospis yet (not counting the epic adventure).
from now on however Im going to do daily posts about what's going on in the world of my f*cked up cartoons.
Secondly I'd like to say a few things about my more recent videos.
The "Wallace and Gromit" thing was a sort of rigging/Music test for my videos. I was also sick to tears of snospis eht, and wanted to animate something new. The 2 recent more videos I released featuring the clown...thing. were just me being lazy "forward slash" dicking around.
People seem to like my work whatever it is. which is good, however I always want to improve myself, and see all my previous work as complete crap (which it is).
Its an inferiority complex I have.
Anyway onto what ive been working on.
The pictures are of marge simpson. But not the marge simpson from my previous videos.
This marge has been rebuilt from the ground up. She's been given a sort of ET/Eraserhead baby type of makeover which I think will vastly improve my future endevours. Today I model. tommorow I rig. Then I work on rebuilding Homer...
the new marge will feature first in the Snospis Eht Christmas special, coming on december 17th, which im hoping to make the longest and most action packed snospis yet (not counting the epic adventure).
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Saluton Motherfuckers,
God be'est of the human mind created is the product of the human imagination only and nothing more.
it is through these strives to create a supreme being in our own image.
through the strives of science and human ingenunity we shall eventual trans and one and become master of the universe. those of religeos minds shall be under us.
whoever masters science becomes god.
Oh and, I made this.
it was initially a test render for the newly rigged lisa simpson model.
Buuuuuut, it suddenly became some kind of pro tobacco propaganda thing.
Updootaded Varision
God be'est of the human mind created is the product of the human imagination only and nothing more.
it is through these strives to create a supreme being in our own image.
through the strives of science and human ingenunity we shall eventual trans and one and become master of the universe. those of religeos minds shall be under us.
whoever masters science becomes god.
Oh and, I made this.
it was initially a test render for the newly rigged lisa simpson model.
Buuuuuut, it suddenly became some kind of pro tobacco propaganda thing.
Updootaded Varision
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Good Captains Fish
The Good captains fish, was an international fishing conglomerate created by a excentric ex navy captain named Isambard T Dickmonger III, in the year 2038.
The purpose of his fishing was to create low quality breaded seafood products for the low income markets, by the year 2041 he had dominated the global fish markets and was turning over billions of dollars a year,good captains fish had expanded into many different fields of industry including automotive manufacturing, television and radio, and to a certain extent private space exploration.
It was in the year 2050 that the world collapsed, The sea's were overfished, the ozone layer was burnt out to a crisp, and the worlds economy was fucked.
between march and october in the year 2050, 5.67 billion people died of disease, famine, radiation poisoning, or conflict caused by the aformention END OF THE WORLD.
Anyone who survived to see the aftermath of this, is probably going to look and act very very weird.
The year is now 2056, and the good captains fish is the only functioning TV station left, broadcasting on an analouge frequency, and running on a limited budget.
the channel mainly broadcasts old re-runs of there own original programming, mostly in the form of video tapes that have survived in the archival vault.
These include, Mouse Tails (a show about two mice who go on adventures), Officer Jones: Rape Squad S.O.S. (A program about a robotic police officer who deals with rape related crimes). And The Good Captains fish (A dramatic retelling of the adventures of Isambard Dickmonger and the ship he sailed, as he looked for fish).
The channel also broadcats hourly news and weather updates, quite often by the captain himself.
The purpose of his fishing was to create low quality breaded seafood products for the low income markets, by the year 2041 he had dominated the global fish markets and was turning over billions of dollars a year,good captains fish had expanded into many different fields of industry including automotive manufacturing, television and radio, and to a certain extent private space exploration.
It was in the year 2050 that the world collapsed, The sea's were overfished, the ozone layer was burnt out to a crisp, and the worlds economy was fucked.
between march and october in the year 2050, 5.67 billion people died of disease, famine, radiation poisoning, or conflict caused by the aformention END OF THE WORLD.
Anyone who survived to see the aftermath of this, is probably going to look and act very very weird.
The year is now 2056, and the good captains fish is the only functioning TV station left, broadcasting on an analouge frequency, and running on a limited budget.
the channel mainly broadcasts old re-runs of there own original programming, mostly in the form of video tapes that have survived in the archival vault.
These include, Mouse Tails (a show about two mice who go on adventures), Officer Jones: Rape Squad S.O.S. (A program about a robotic police officer who deals with rape related crimes). And The Good Captains fish (A dramatic retelling of the adventures of Isambard Dickmonger and the ship he sailed, as he looked for fish).
The channel also broadcats hourly news and weather updates, quite often by the captain himself.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Why the human population is at an all time high and in great deppresion, and what we can do to stop it.
However this inconcluvise report on the state of the worlds money exchange has not been the most it can be when compared to the other various methods of the economy.
For example the recent ressesion has been compared to the crash of 1933 where all the worlds money suddenly became worthless as asanine as this might sound, money is the true value of capitalism and not the evil of it therefore when the the money becomes worthless the true state of the economy starts to show its true colours.
This brings me onto my second point. All the worlds businesses are currently in decline yet $10 trillions USD are being spent every day on asanine reconstruction innitiatives throughout the worlds nation countries.
My third point is much less pointghent yet just as importantly asanine.
Lets go back to the year 2011, dosent seem that long ago does it, the date as I am writing this is 01/11/2011 and there are currently 7 billion people in the world.
I personally blame the lack of asbesthos in the water for this.
Asbesthos is a naturally occuring substance in the water which for years has kept the rate of infertility in humans higher, human beings have still found a way to reproduce succsessfully, of course, but until recently we have only been having 1-3 on average.
This is because in the “first world” where humanity developed the majority of writing systems and microchips. Asbetheos has been unnaturally high in the waters and streams.
It is in africa, burma, the middle earth and the south africa as well as madagasger and burma where the absteheros levels have been low. Asbethros is humanitys best friend, andd would greatly support the africa if ineterduced.
Think about that before protesting the worlds wealthy and making an arse of yourself calling yourself the “99%” and masterbating publicily before the uber rich dildofarming statesmen who own you serfs.
And that is the reason why I am currently unemployed.
For example the recent ressesion has been compared to the crash of 1933 where all the worlds money suddenly became worthless as asanine as this might sound, money is the true value of capitalism and not the evil of it therefore when the the money becomes worthless the true state of the economy starts to show its true colours.
This brings me onto my second point. All the worlds businesses are currently in decline yet $10 trillions USD are being spent every day on asanine reconstruction innitiatives throughout the worlds nation countries.
My third point is much less pointghent yet just as importantly asanine.
Lets go back to the year 2011, dosent seem that long ago does it, the date as I am writing this is 01/11/2011 and there are currently 7 billion people in the world.
I personally blame the lack of asbesthos in the water for this.
Asbesthos is a naturally occuring substance in the water which for years has kept the rate of infertility in humans higher, human beings have still found a way to reproduce succsessfully, of course, but until recently we have only been having 1-3 on average.
This is because in the “first world” where humanity developed the majority of writing systems and microchips. Asbetheos has been unnaturally high in the waters and streams.
It is in africa, burma, the middle earth and the south africa as well as madagasger and burma where the absteheros levels have been low. Asbethros is humanitys best friend, andd would greatly support the africa if ineterduced.
Think about that before protesting the worlds wealthy and making an arse of yourself calling yourself the “99%” and masterbating publicily before the uber rich dildofarming statesmen who own you serfs.
And that is the reason why I am currently unemployed.
Whats wrong with the ecomony
I tt sees to me, quite personally through my lack of experience of the world, and the constant barrage of information we receive daily pumped into our brains by the facist government who control all the aircraft’s, and put asbestos into the drinking water NOT to sterlise the human population, but to unstelerise it.
The year as of present is 2011, a full 100 years after the fall of the titanic on that faithful day in april 1912millions of new yorkers were on there way to work at the titanic, which was then hit by 2 iceberghs.
The fist iceberg was hit at 8:19am from the east, the burning ice was hot enough to melt through the steal of the ship contenplating its structural integraty and conpromising the structure of the ship, because the ships structural integrital was compromised the ship went down, killing all 3724 people on board.
The second iceberg was never seen, no-one knew where it hit the ship, and no-one knew where it hit the ship. Some reporters say that the infamous “second iceberg” as it was came to be known never even existed to begin with.
The fall of the titanic compromised stock prices for the years to come. The prices of oil rose 400% per anum, and the chinese and japanese and east asian stock markets which perviously were impeneteble to forces outside of there own jurisdiction was plummiting as well.
The same went for the prices in europe, germany and the united states.
This lead to a severe lack of business, and stock control. Because of this the busienesses went down and people just no longer needed to buy things. The capitilist utopia that many had dreamed of was at last gone. Millions of people around the world could no longer live in this “first world” as we came to know it, and went to africa to create a “third world” where they and there kind could live in content poverty.
It seems to me know strange how calm everyone was on the aungslaught of the creation, how millions of people could simply leave there previous lives behind and create a new one.
The opposite also exists, a so called “reverse migration” where millions of people from poorer nations come to the richer one to work and live, this has been the trend in recent years.
However after the 1912 happen. There are no jobs so the forign people have to take normal people jobs.
And that’s why I'm currently unemployed.
The year as of present is 2011, a full 100 years after the fall of the titanic on that faithful day in april 1912millions of new yorkers were on there way to work at the titanic, which was then hit by 2 iceberghs.
The fist iceberg was hit at 8:19am from the east, the burning ice was hot enough to melt through the steal of the ship contenplating its structural integraty and conpromising the structure of the ship, because the ships structural integrital was compromised the ship went down, killing all 3724 people on board.
The second iceberg was never seen, no-one knew where it hit the ship, and no-one knew where it hit the ship. Some reporters say that the infamous “second iceberg” as it was came to be known never even existed to begin with.
The fall of the titanic compromised stock prices for the years to come. The prices of oil rose 400% per anum, and the chinese and japanese and east asian stock markets which perviously were impeneteble to forces outside of there own jurisdiction was plummiting as well.
The same went for the prices in europe, germany and the united states.
This lead to a severe lack of business, and stock control. Because of this the busienesses went down and people just no longer needed to buy things. The capitilist utopia that many had dreamed of was at last gone. Millions of people around the world could no longer live in this “first world” as we came to know it, and went to africa to create a “third world” where they and there kind could live in content poverty.
It seems to me know strange how calm everyone was on the aungslaught of the creation, how millions of people could simply leave there previous lives behind and create a new one.
The opposite also exists, a so called “reverse migration” where millions of people from poorer nations come to the richer one to work and live, this has been the trend in recent years.
However after the 1912 happen. There are no jobs so the forign people have to take normal people jobs.
And that’s why I'm currently unemployed.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Mouse Tails: Ernie Hudsons Crystal Meth Vodka
Mouse Tails as of 21/SEPT/2011 featuring a new model and a fresh attitude to the series, despite the short length of the video, from start to finish this video took a long time to do, I had to redo the mouse tails model 3 times before I got what is actually in the video, despite complications however, the actual video took about 4 hours to animate about 25 minutes to render and a further hour in sony vegas adding subtitles.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Its In My Nature To Make Things As Shitty As Possible.
Twas funny at first sure (well it was to me at least), to make a shitty 3D cartoon about Lisa Simpson, riding around on her chrome motorcycle or shooting up heroin with Marge in the basement, whilst they watch My Little Pony, or defecate on the floor. Twas funny because it was intentionally bad, because I put the effort in (or lack of effort in some cases), to make the characters as odd looking, or topologically incorrect as possible, to have them make odd movements whilst speaking, or give them an incorrect grasp of the English language. (Fluesday, really?).
This all shouldn't have been a problem, its shitty writing combined with shitty animating, nothing more, but the more and more I work on Snospis Eht, the more I condition myself to make things shitty. I give other characters terrible topology, or make them say illogical things.
This is the curse of Snospis Eht, a curse that is slowly rubbing off onto my other projects.
Mouse Tails is my Snospis Eht side project, its set in the same deformed universe, as my Simpsons Knock off, but is about two mice who go on adventures, previously mouse tails (the main character) was a sort of cardboard cut-out of a drawing I made, which although funny at first (to me at least), has now lost its charm, So I thought, It's time to upgrade.
This is the new mouse tails model I made.
Why? just why, do I go to such great lengths to make it terrible?
Why is he missing an eye?
Why is his body so deformed?
Well this is what I said to myself after about 90 minutes of work, which is why I scrapped it and made a new one, which at the moment is passable.
Which is why blame Snospis Eht, it teaches me that making crap is better than making something great, or at least attempting to make something great.
The new mouse tails model is better proportioned and less diseased looking. which when I think about it suits the character more, I envision mouse tails to be strong and brave, not diseased and cowardly, so his appearance should reflect that, my fingers hurt so im going to stop typing now.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Shit Dawg I Have A Blog.
This is my Blog I will Blog everyday about my sexual adventures through the minecraft nether.
18/SEP/2011- Today was very uneventful I put some raspberry Jam on my cock so maybe one of the ghasts would be tempted to suck it. sadly however they didn't seem as into it as I'd hoped.
Maybe the minecraft nether is not a good place to get anonymous sex.
Okay that was a lie, this Blog is really about my animations and shit, if I have something to say I will say it here, or on my twitter:
or just on my youtube page:
but sometimes here.
Lets get to it then, my name is Andrew, I am 19 and im a university drop-out, I am also a terrible artist/animator who thinks he can become A millionaire on the internet by posting terrible videos to youtube.
If all goes to plan I will retire at the age of 25 and will spend the rest of my days dicking about in 3D programs, playing video games, and drinking myself into a stupor...
... basically what im doing now then, only I wont be living in my grandparents spare room and will be able to play loud music at any time of the day.
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